Carmen Garcia
Carmen Garcia grandit à Paris où elle fait des études de lettres. Pendant quelques années, elle est membre d'une troupe de théâtre amateur.
Arrivée à Montréal en 1973, elle travaille dans le domaine de l'édition et du journalisme et poursuit des études en traduction et en communication.
Depuis 1983, elle collabore à la production de films documentaires. Elle agit à la fois comme productrice, recherchiste et scénariste. À partir de 1993, elle aborde la réalisation tout en continuant de produire et de scénariser. En 2001-2002, elle travaille comme analyste à Téléfilm Canada. Depuis 2003, elle a replongé dans le monde de la production pour relever de " vieux défis "
Recent projects
The Coca-Cola Case
Producer – Director
Two lawyers, Terry Collingsworth of the International Labor Rights Fund in Washington and Daniel Kovalick who works with the United Steel Workers of America in Pittsburgh accuse the American giant Coca-Cola of involvement in the kidnapping, torture, and murder of workers and union leaders at its bottling plants in Colombia andTurkey, as well as questionable practices In India. These two long-standing workers’ rights activists have chosen to dedicate their life to the service of a better...
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Without a bank
Despite the economic crisis, the Canadian Banking system remains one of the sturdiest in the world. However, this comes with a price: the 6 chartered « Big Banks » in Canada constitute a form of monopoly controlling nearly 90% of all assets in the system. Yet, there is an alternative to this monopoly of the « Chartered 6 »: one of the more surprising aspects of our financial landscape: Savings and Credit Unions such as Desjardins.
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Nadia's Journey
Producer – Director
At 19, Nadia Zouaoui was forced by her parents into an arranged marriage with an Algerian living in Montreal. The man, who was twice her age, chose Nadia from a photograph. After 18 years away, Nadia goes back to Kabylia to see if life has changed in her native land.
Nadia’s Journey travels behind the tourist facade and into a land of shadows. The documentary delves into the complex reality of women held captive in their own homes since puberty. In the gloomy house where Nadia grew...
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